Most of the time, PC errors are accompanied by an error message. Read the error message to identify if it provides any hint on what may be wrong. Knowing the cause of the error is half the battle won, when it comes to troubleshooting computer errors.

To understand this better, examples of a few common DLL error messages are shared below:

"url.dll is missing"

"Unable to start the application as faultrepis missing. Reinstall the application to fix the error"

The above DLL error messages tell you that the DLL error has occurred because an application was unable to locate the DLL file. Generally, this happens when the DLL file is missing or corrupt.

You can further zero in on the cause of the error by using the built-in Search utility to determine if the DLL file reported in the error message is present on your computer or not.

How to fix url.dll error?

Virus Scans: Start all DLL repair work by updating your anti-virus software and scanning for bugs. If present, these can overwrite registry entries and corrupt files.

Getting Updates: url.dll file change very often so are consequently included in patch/program updates on a regular basis. You can simply repair url.dll errors by installing the latest updates to overwrite corrupt files and refactor the registry settings. This can work for applications (checking their website for updates) and the operating system (using Windows Update service).

System Restarts: Restarting the computer is often jokingly suggested as a way to fix PC errors, but when trying to fix url.dll issues it does actually have some worth. A reboot can repair errors by allowing the computer to reset and reload system files, including DLLs, that may have had initial problems loading.

Program Reinstalls: For application related url.dll file repair, it is worth considering reinstalling the application on some occasions. Downloading the latest installation and installing it can reset registry keys and overwrite url.dll files with a stable, healthy version.

Using A Windows DLL Repair Program: There are a number of computer repair programs available that can repair DLL issues. In particular, these programs need to be capable of downloading the correct DLL version for your system, as well as scan and repair any of the registry faults. Read more:  Fix mppython.dll error- How to fix mppython.dll error efficiently in three ways  

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